Transforming Lives Through Safe Water Solutions


WaterGuard® is a sodium hypochlorite solution licensed by PSI to MANCO for production in Liberia and other English-speaking countries.

It is designed to provide safe and reliable water disinfection at the household level.

Key Features:
  • Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in contaminated water.
  • Proven in CDC field studies to reduce diarrheal diseases by up to 85%.
  • Certified by the Liberian Ministry of Health for safe and effective use.
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Sur Eau®

Sur Eau®, developed by PSI and licensed to MANCO for production in Francophone countries like Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire, offers the same life-saving benefits as WaterGuard®.

It has been instrumental in reducing cholera outbreaks and improving water safety.

Key Features:
  • Reduces cholera transmission by over 40% during outbreaks (Guinea Ministry of Health, 2023).
  • Integrated into public health campaigns and national emergency responses.
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How It Works:

Pour 1 cap full(2ml) of WaterGuard or Sur Eau in 5 gallons (18.93 liters) of water.

Stir well and let the water stand for 30 minutes.

Enjoy clean, safe drinking water.

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